A History of Capitalism. 1500-1980.
Translated by Tom Dickman and Anny Lefebvre, Monthly Review
Press, New York,1983 and MacMillan, London,1984.
"The Crisis of Development in the Light of Economic-Systems
Analysis", Review, vol. X, 1987 n° 3,
Direction, avec Etienne Le Roy et Michel Vernières,
de: Old and New Trends in Francophone Development Research,
Numéro de l'European Journal of Development Research,
Londres, Frank Cass, vol III, 1991 n° 2, 164 p.
"Economic Reforms and Transformation of the Role
of the State", in Claude Auroi dir. The Role of
the State in Development Processes, Londres, Frank
Cass, 1992, 93-108.
Socialism in the Crucible
of History. Translated and with an Introduction
by Thomas Dickman, Humanities Press, New Jersey, 1993.
Economic Thought since Keynes.
A History and Dictionary of Major Economists,
with Gilles Dostaler. Translated by Valérie Cauchemez
with the participation of Eric Litwack, Aldershot, Hants,
Edward Elgar,1995 ; London and New York, Routledge, "Paperback",
A History of Capitalism. 1500-2000.
Translated by Tom Dickman and Anny Lefebvre, Monthly Review
Press, New York, 2001.